“Our new aim is to take another significant step towards making our everyday routines healthy and fulfilling, helping the whole world live lives full of excitement and delight, and making the Earth sustainable,” said Jay-Hyun Lee, Chairman of the CJ Group.
CJ Group has announced 2030 mid-term business goals for achieving future growth through four engines: Culture, Platform, Wellness and Sustainability (C.P.W.S.), investing in talent and revolutionizing work culture.
After establishing management independent from Samsung in 1995, CJ underwent an extensive reorganization of its existing business structure, which was at the time mainly focused on domestic food products. The group has since structured its companies under four major business sectors including Food and Food Services, Entertainment and Media, Biotechnology and Logistics and Retail. Having achieved notable accomplishments throughout its history, CJ has positioned itself as a global company providing customers with the best value products and services.

“Going forward, CJ will focus on future innovation growth through outstanding trend leadership and technical skills, as well as through revolutionizing our corporate culture to accommodate the talented minds who will lead this growth,” Chairman Lee said. “By doing so, we will position ourselves as a future lifestyle company, introducing innovative new lifestyles for people globally.”
“We will accelerate the global and digital expansion of our existing businesses centered around Culture and Platform, while also promoting Wellness and Sustainability,” said Chairman Lee. “In other words, we will actively pursue future innovation growth by creating a world in which everyone can feel well and be happy, while continuing to pursue new business opportunities based on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.”
Each component of C.P.W.S. represents a distinct branch of future growth. Culture aims to expand the availability of CJ’s various lifestyle services and products – from food to entertainment to beauty – to a global audience. Platform will focus on extending the possibilities of customer touch points both offline and online, while maximizing convenience through innovative logistics services. Wellness and Sustainability, meanwhile, will invest in red bio and sustainable businesses to make an impact on our daily lives.
Acquiring exceptional talent and revolutionizing corporate culture were identified as the crucial areas in executing this mid-term vision. “Top talent is the key to making everything else possible,” said Chairman Lee. “We will create a workplace in which well-prepared ‘Hagojabi*’ can grow, flourish and reap unprecedented rewards for their excellent performance, based on opportunities and fair competition. We will make CJ a workplace that attracts the best talent and encourages these individuals to grow together in their efforts and achievements.”
*Hagojabi: a person who is eager to do anything, seeks out new challenges and accomplishes them enthusiastically